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The Only Evil Video that Michael Jordan Ever Appeared in was "Space Jam"

Tell me again how all people are created equal:

This poor woman was dragged out of her car, punched, kicked and throttled by a mob of sub-humans because they suspected her of “ratting out” some local gang of thugs. She later died from her injuries. Apparently, in the criminal community, snitching on other criminals is the lowest form of behavior imaginable. Drug dealing, murder, rape and prostitution on the other hand are the glue that keeps such communities together.

So why did a throng of troglodytes beat a woman to death because she dropped a dime? Because their role models gave them the green light.

Last year, Denver Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony made a cameo appearance in a underground DVD called “Stop Snitchin’.” The video, in addition to reinforcing almost every known stereotype of black Americans, (you know, doo-rags, finger signs, the ubiquitous use of the word “nigga”), presents one salient point throughout its 120 minute runtime: if any person informs the police of suspected or observed criminal behavior, he or she will be met with a response of violent anti-social behavior. Or, in the parlance of the culture, a “cap” will be “busted in yo ass.”

What does Carmelo Anthony have to do with it? I’m sure he’s not running around with the crips and the bloods “snuffin’ niggas”. But the fact that he’s a black celebrity automatically makes him a black role model.

Inner city youths are not taking their cues from the deeds of Condoleezza Rice or Bill Cosby. Instead, they look up to and emulate people with the unlikely monikers of 50-Cent, Jay-Z and other hyphenated atrocities against the English Language. In addition to rap “artists”, black youth have an emotional attachment to basketball players simply because they’re young, rich, famous and black.

So by affiliation, when Carmelo Anthony appears on a DVD that says that talking to police will result in your death, he is unconsciously (or not) endorsing this behavior. And again, instead of denouncing the DVD, the black community cries “Free Speech” and justifies its existence by virtue of the “culture” it portrays. The fact that he claims he never knew the DVD was being made doesn’t change anything, as he obviously has the wherewithal to prevent it from being distributed.

During the Indonesian Tsunami, Anthony announced that to help make the world a better place, he’d be donating $1,000 for each point scored in two games against the Spurs and the Rockets to relief efforts. What a sweetheart. In the January 8th game versus the Spurs, Anthony scored 8 points, the next day against the Rockets, 27. So big-hearted Carmelo Anthony ended up donating $35,000 to Tsunami-related charities, or one percent of his $3,471,360 salary. I hope the Nobel committee didn’t break their ankles tripping over each other trying to phone him. So while his tax attorney is busy writing off his donation, Anthony is appearing on videos that sanction the lifestyle of crime. Nice.

Today, T-shirts emblazoned with the motto “Stop Snitchin’” are all the rage in crime-infested cities such as Baltimore, Oakland, and Washington D.C. Shopkeepers and Webmasters call them “fashion accessories,” but in reality, they are simply another monstrous example of society’s embrace of the sick, the twisted, the criminal and the wrong. Is it not your duty, as part of the human species to quell the injustices perpetrated against your own kind? Or are you more comfortable sitting idly by, watching from the relative secure confines of your own self-righteousness, shrugging and saying, “Hey, at least it isn’t me, and at least I’m being fashionable!”

Because of their violent music, culture, the tacit endorsement by their role models and, above all, the inability of their “leaders” to place their constituents in check, black America continues to distance itself from civilization. And to those outside the “culture” of the streets, shame on you for not crushing the rebellion.

Yo, Mad Wack Mortals.


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